Hey fam, its been a really long while and I have missed you all so much already..

I promise its nothing so serious. Just school work here and there. It has quite not been easy for everyone but I believe we’re pushing, as always.

So to the business of the day…

Fam, its ONE YEAR already!!!

Just one year and the love has been so amazing. This wouldn’t have been possible without you guys. I appreciate each and every one of you deeply.

I had always loved writing as a little boy. I remember starting numerous books with only a few of my friends getting to the first and only chapter. I never completed one! Whenever my friends got to read the first chapter, they would go on and on about how interesting each was, with words of encouragements and more ideas on how to finish it. But still, I never would.

I would instead get a new book, with a fresher idea and start off the cycle again. This continued up until I gave up and decided writing wasn’t my thing.

When I first stepped into the blogosphere this time last year, I had no idea what I was into till my first post was published.

It still seemed like a joke to me till the comments began dropping. It was then I knew that this was BIG. This was what I just needed. This was my one chance for a percentage of the world to see my works.

But I wasn’t ready. Not even a bit.

I had no manuscript at hand. But then, my newest fans were all waiting. Waiting for my first. This was a way to prove how serious I really was. I began brainstorming. For something intriguing. Something to keep my new found audience.

And then by God’s grace, it came. And the first part of UNMASKED was released four days after.

I believe we can say, the rest is history.

This is one year after. One year bigger. And one year out here in the blogosphere.

I can only say that this has been amazing. Waking up everyday and checking to realize that one person has not only read, but has been inspired by your work.

 I may not be the best or most fervent blogger, but I’m indeed glad that each and every of my work is read by you all. Your comments are the words of encouragements that keep me going.

Thank you Fam, for all you do.

Just a little reminder. With God on your side, anything you hope to achieve can be done. Just believe.


Thanks for reading,

Uche the Blogger.


  1. I've been greatly touched by your writing..more Grace to us all

  2. More grease bro.... 07011841911 my number, am a writer too... We could share ideas....


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